What is an HVAC System and What Does it Include?

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It consists of a heating unit, cooling unit, and duct for circulating hot or cooled air. Learn more about what an HVAC system includes.

What is an HVAC System and What Does it Include?

HVAC, or Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, is a system that is essential for providing comfortable temperatures in residential and commercial buildings. It typically consists of a heating unit, a cooling unit, and a duct for circulating hot or cooled air. The heating unit is usually an oven, while the cooling unit can be electric or gas. A multi-stage system is designed to reduce energy use and save money. Your HVAC system works by heating and cooling your home through a series of components that may include heating and air conditioning components, ductwork, and a thermostat for control.

When you turn on the heating, only the furnace side of the system works to heat the house. On the other hand, when you turn on the air conditioner, only the air conditioning unit works to cool your home. For example, on a hot summer day in Texas with temperatures hovering around 100 degrees, a multi-stage system would run at full speed to keep the house cool. HVAC systems are essential for residential structures such as single-family homes and apartment buildings, as well as for large industrial and office buildings like factories, warehouses, stores, institutions and skyscrapers.

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