10 Most Common Furnace Repairs

Are you having trouble with your furnace? Learn about the 10 most common furnace repairs that you may need to make.

10 Most Common Furnace Repairs

Are you having trouble with your furnace? If so, you're not alone. Many homeowners experience furnace problems from time to time. To help you out, here are the 10 most common furnace repairs that you may need to make. The first and most common issue is a faulty thermostat.

If your thermostat isn't working properly, it can cause your furnace to turn on and off frequently or have short cycles. In very cold climates, this activity may be normal and necessary to keep the house at a comfortable temperature. However, if this isn't the case, it could indicate a problem with the thermostat. Another common issue is a dirty filter.

A dirty filter can reduce the efficiency of your furnace and increase energy costs. It's important to regularly check and replace your filter to ensure that your furnace is running properly. A clogged exhaust vent can also cause problems with your furnace. If the exhaust vent is blocked, it can cause the furnace to overheat and shut down.

It's important to regularly check the exhaust vent for any blockages or debris that could be causing problems. If you notice strange smells coming from your furnace, it could be a sign of a gas leak. If you smell something burning or gas, you should call a technician right away to check things out. If you smell rotten eggs, it could indicate a propane leak and you should leave the house immediately and call 911. Finally, if your furnace needs more repairs than usual, it could be an indication that it has broken down.

In this case, it's best to call a professional technician to take a look at it and determine what needs to be done.

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